Thursday, May 6, 2010

Shoots and ...... misses!

Last Saturday was my third day of week 1 for the C25K. I bet you're wondering what happened, how I did... Well, I didn't. You know those stomach issues I was having, well, I just couldn't seem to brush it off and it continued to bother me for the past week. I decided to concentrate on the strength training this week and attempt the C25K again next week.

A little about C25K. A read an article in the Gloucester Daily Times about a friend who just ran the Boston Marathon for the first time and was starting a Couch to 5K program at the local Y. It sounded really cool. Then I was reading Jack Sh*t's Gettin Fit Blog and he was posting about the C25K program. Then I started looking up more info and it sounded really cool. It's a program designed for non-runners to be able to run a 5K in about 9 weeks. There are even free IPod downloads to keep you on track. I am trying it out at home on the treadmill because me running down the boulevard is not something anyone wants to see... Believe me! There are way to many sights down there can blind a person and I don't want to be the cause of someone going blind!

Since I wasn't feeling well, I decided to start a journal. It contains everything I eat during the day including my vitamins and supplements, how I'm feeling, what time I wake up and go to sleep and stuff I've done during the day. Hopefully this will help me figure out what is triggering the mood swings, bloating, gas, irritability... I know, it does seem obvious. That's what I thought too but its just not lining up. Who knows, maybe its perimenopause and I just don't know it. I'll figure it out one of these days. I'm hoping my writing down my thoughts it may help my blogging. Most of the posts seem a bit boring. I'll try better, promise.

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